Bowmore-1968-37 year old

Bowmore-1968-37 year old
Bowmore-1968-37 year oldDistilled and Bottled at Bowmore Distillery, Islay.Bottle number 228 of 708, bourbon wood. In wooden presentation case. Good labelling. Level: into neck. "...A genuine fruitbomb in fact, with loads of passion fruits, guavas, pineapples, tangerines, mangos, oranges, pink grapefruits... Also more 'western' fruits such as melons... Well, I can't see how any whisky could be any fruitier than this one, it's almost an all-fruits concentrate" (5 stars-Whiskyfun)「......是枚真正的水果炸彈,充滿熱情果、番石榴、菠蘿、蜜柑、芒果、橙、紅西柚......也有更『西方』的水果如西瓜......好吧,其他威士忌怎可能比這瓶的果味更濃,它近似全果的濃縮液。」(Whiskyfun:5星)700ml. Single Malt., 43.4% volume.1 bottle
